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Ask The Pros: Halloween Memories

Here at Ultiworld Disc Golf, we love Halloween as much as we did when we were kids. Which got us to thinking: What about top professional disc golfers? Do they have those favorite Halloween costume memories that we have, or were they more content to stay at home and hand out the treats?

So, we asked. Here’s what some of your favorite players had to say when we asked them about their favorite costumes as a kid. The answers are as diverse as the players themselves. Happy Halloween!

Madison Walker – “There were a few good ones! My parents wanted boys, so I was Peter Pan at an early age. Pippy Longstocking and Princess Leia were some other good ones! I as David Byrne (from the Talking Heads) during my last Halloween.”

Ricky Wysocki – “Favorite Halloween costume is a skeleton. I was always the kid that liked to decorate the house on Halloween and scare people. I would always play scary music, put up fog machines, etc., and make it like a mini haunted house for trick-or-treaters. I always used to pride myself on being the scariest house in the neighborhood. Everyone always seemed to look forward to coming to my house as I built up the reputation for being scary throughout the years!”

Eagle McMahon – “I’d have to think…I have never really been a Halloween person.”

Catrina Allen – “Snow White.”

Valarie Jenkins I remember being a pumpkin for a few years, it was this really cute costume my mom sewed up. Nate [Doss]'s favorite costume was the Ninja Turtle Leonardo. But I think both of our favorite costumes were our pink and white Power Rangers costumes last year!”

Eric Oakley – “My favorite was definitely Luigi. I always liked Luigi from the Super Smash Bros. games and my grandpa would always call me Luigi.”

Simon Lizotte – “We don’t have Halloween in Germany. I honestly don’t even really know what it is. Or why it is.”

Jeremy Koling – “It wasn’t when I was a kid, but in college a couple of buddies and I dressed up in adult diapers and a black bow tie and went out as baby Chippendales. That was pretty fantastic.”

[caption id=“attachment_2502” align=“alignright” width=“620”]

Grandma Paige.[/caption]

Paul Ulibarri Cowboy! My grandpa always had westerns playing. It’s my favorite till this day!”

Paige Pierce – “I don’t know about as a kid, but two years ago I was a grandma. Then old people kept answering the door and getting offended, so mid-night I changed it to Ellen Degeneres.”

Paige Bjerkaas – “I’ve honestly never really been into Halloween. I stopped trick-or-treating at a young age. I don’t really have a favorite costume. Sorry!”

Nate Sexton – "Oh man. Probably I would say either something Ninja Turtles or something Star Trek. My family was into the Next Generation. I was a big Lieutenant Commander Data guy."

Originally published at: https://discgolf.ultiworld.com/2016/10/31/ask-pros-halloween-memories/