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Conferences: Past & Present

Let’s talk about Conferences! @krdonnie is looking for dramatic stories of past Conferences/Sectionals, as well as the most exciting stories to follow this year.

Is your Conference tournament more than a formality? Which are the most competitive in the country?

A great read from last year: http://ultiworld.com/livewire/the-american-dream-why-conference-championships-matter/

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Carolina Conference is one of the most competitive conferences in my opinion. Both UNC and UNCW have made it far at Nationals the past couple years and is always a fun matchup to look for at conferences. Also several teams ranked high such as NC State and UNCC. It will also be cool how Carolina conferences is holding DI men, DIII men, DI women and developmental men all at the same complex on one weekend! It will be a lot of great ultimate to watch all in one place.

I’m seeing Wake Forest as DI this year. That makes Carolina more interesting in both divisions.

Not sure how many conference / sectional tournaments have ever been streamed, but hopefully this year’s NC Division I Conference will be streamed live via the JinxCam. The tournament is being held at ECU and we’re looking at a mix of NC State games along with top men’s and women’s games.

Live coverage this upcoming weekend (4/11/2016) starting Saturday AM:


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