Originally published at: https://discgolf.ultiworld.com/livewire/pdga-announces-board-officers-special-appointment-2018-2019/
The PDGA announced today the election of 2018-2019 PDGA Board of Director positions for President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, as well as a special appointment to fill a vacated board position.
Justin Menickelli will serve as President, David Foss as Vice President, Robert Decker as Treasurer, and Nate Heinold as Secretary.
The Board of Directors also made a special appointment to the Board through an online vote to fill Kevin McCoy’s vacated position.
Trevor Harbolt, the fourth highest vote-getter in the recent Board election that selected three positions, was appointed to complete McCoy’s remaining one-year term.
According to Menickelli, there are no requirements for candidates to be appointed to the Board, and that all available data on potential candidates is taken into consideration, but the candidate pool is basically “wide-open.”
“Trevor had a lot of support from our membership and that’s important. We serve our members first and take into account what they want,” Menickelli said. “It takes gumption and will…putting yourself out there [like Harbolt did in the election].”