Originally published at: https://discgolf.ultiworld.com/livewire/ricky-wysocki-miss-usdgc-rest-season-due-lyme-disease/
Ricky Wysocki announced on Instagram today that he will miss the final three events of the 2019 disc golf season after contracting lyme disease.
“It has gotten steadily worse and debilitating to the point that I can barely get out of bed,” he wrote. “I’ve been bed ridden and depressed for the last 3 weeks.”
“My official announcement is that I will not be able to physically play the last 3 events of the year,” he continued. “This really does crush me but I have no choice as I’m so weak I can barely walk let alone try and throw a disc.”
Though Wysocki may not have been winning with the same frequency this year as in past seasons, he is still sitting in first place in the PDGA National Tour standings and in second in the Disc Golf Pro Tour standings.
Lyme disease, spread by ticks, is a danger for disc golfers. Removing ticks within 24 hours can greatly decrease the chances of contracting the disease, and a dose of antibiotics is effective at treating or even preventing it.
Wysocki is the second highest rated player in the world behind Paul McBeth.