Ultiworld Ultiworld DG

The Upshot: Beaver State Fling, Eagle McMahon [Pres. by Pound Disc Golf]

Originally published at: https://discgolf.ultiworld.com/2019/06/12/upshot-beaver-state-fling-eagle-mcmahon-pres-pound-disc-golf/

Charlie Eisenhood and Jamie Thomas talk about the Beaver State Fling, including the epic battle between Eagle McMahon and Seppo Paju. Also, are the young guns getting better? Plus: the Jomez Instagram drama and Paige v. Cat.

Later in the show, Eagle stops by for an interview (47:44) before some more chatter about Am payouts.

The Upshot: Beaver State Fling, Eagle McMahon

You can contact Charlie and Jamie at [email protected].

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