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Women's National Championship Round 1 Feature Card Announced

Originally published at: https://discgolf.ultiworld.com/livewire/womens-national-championship-round-1-feature-card-announced/

Here is the round one feature card for the 2020 Women’s National Championship in Rock Hill, SC:

Paige Pierce, Catrina Allen, Hailey King, and Kona Panis will be the main feature card on the live pay-per-view broadcast of the first round at the Women’s National Championship, and expect coverage of the second card, featuring Elaine King, Kat Mertsch, Lisa Fajkus, and Cynthia Ricciotti, as well. The broadcast is expected to start around 9:45 AM Eastern time, though tee times are not finalized.

The live coverage of the Women’s National Championship is available starting at $19.99 on the USDGC website.